- Photography and the Lifeworld
***Lifeworld – Our intuitive way of being in the world and our experience of the world
- A world beyond perception
- Photography’s link to ‘experience’
What is Post-Photography?
Photography as non-representational, non-indexical and non-realistic. Photography as ‘metaphysical’
- Anti-humanist experience of Photography
Flusser’s Ladder of Abstraction – Into the Universe of Technical Images (2011) 6 : 7
- Concrete Experience
- Grasping and Shape
- Mediation by Images
- Mediation by texts
- Calculation and Computation
Will ‘technical images’ replace ‘text’ in mediating the world?
- Technical ‘images’ turns everyone into a expert
- We have never been human (free and in control of the world, separate from everything from evil to mortality) and that we are ‘becoming human’ in which technology will be seen as a aid in doing this
- Flusser’s ‘Freedom from Death’
- What is given up by trying to achieve this freedom to become an ‘information being’ – our intuitive sense in the world
- Our fundamental experience of the world is filled with ambiguity, there is no exact definition of the experience. But it is this experience that allows us to move towards the idea…..This process of more or less circular or ideally circular
- ***Use or Photography to describe what photography is not (perception based on ‘relationships’ and not absolute values) – replaces the horizon of relationship with a static frame (clotting on a surface and outside of the world seen with a mechanical, technical eye)
- ***Làslo Moholy-Nahy, Light: A Medium of Plastic Expression
The prose utilisation of the [photographic] plate would itself have brought to light a phenomena imperceptible to the human eye and made visible only by means of photographic apparatus, this perfecting the eye by means of photography […] this principle has already been applied in certain scientific experiments , as in the study of notion.. and zoological and mineral forms’
Light Space Modulator