End of Term Exhibition

There have been significant chagges to the proposed set up of the end of term exhbition.

Taking on board various comments from tutors and theory tutors, we have simplified our outcome to a number of factors:

Room Placement:

We were not granted the space we asked for in our proposal, but nebvetheless we have tried to re-shape our idea due to this change. We are to be located in DG12a (second room form the right) and so in this way at least we are granted a lot of space to create our final outcome.

Although there is an opportunity to move into DG12c in the area directly by the wall of windows, we feel that with what we are given we are going to do the best we cere given. Sikmilarly we have (as a last case resort) have taken up the opportuinity to possibly move, talking to bBen and other group memebrs in  order to negotiate the space. However with the time restraints, I feel that this move may complicate thing further. I feel it may be the case of moving on the set-up week without prrior planning or nothing at all.

Part of the email conversation listed below:



concerning group members



Our idea was also heavily shaped by the price of materials that we wanted to use, out initial idea of using our own personalised neon sign (wiht the name of our collective exhibition ‘Art!?’ to a more low-cal Locomocean Personalised Battery Light Box which affords the ability to produce longer sentences (possibly to ask a question?, or make a statement)
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Our Box (below)



This box presents an interesting change in vision for our group as there is the possibility that we may force a reaction out of the audience, through asking a question, making a controversial statement , or staggering figures in a work not to dissimilar from Hans Haacke.

However, with this in mind we are still heavily undecided as to what we will be using the box for. What the box does afford however, is the opportunity to produce a theoretical standpoint in our final piece that really makes some valuable institutional critique.

We will also, as already planned be buying a ballot box to encourage audience anticipation as I feel that this is necessary in producing a worthwhile outcome. We will make small cards that can be put into the ballot boxes (colour co-ordinated) that will form a vital part of the conversation between our work and the audience.

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